Tuesday, August 17, 2010

christmas in august.

I always wish for christmastime during august. Just before classes start, I get nostalgic for the holiday and end up watching christmas movies and listening to holiday music for about a week. 

Tonight I'm watching 


I think I will end the night with some Yule B Swingin'

Gisela and I were talking about how Christmas will be this year. My mom is going to be cross-country and I'm really sad about it. Gisela says we can attempt a popcorn garland for our tree, though, and I'm going to plan some sort of fake fireplace scene to hang on the wall. I know it will be cute and I am sure the 3 roommates will have a good holiday together. For now, I'll just enjoy my Christmas in August- I'll worry about the December one later.


  1. I'm hoping by 'sad' that you don't mean 'sad'. We're spending Thanksgiving together and I've got major plans for our enJOYment of that holiDAY! Fun begins at2:30 pm. And lasts through the evening! Plan to spend the night! Christmas -- the 24th and the 25th will take care of themselves and we'll celebrate together before I leave. No fear that that won't be a very nice, heartfelt celebration and become a treasured memory.

  2. OMG, I'm not alone :-)
    Kid you not, I was listening to Christmas music in the car the other day, haha!
