Monday, August 30, 2010

pocahontas creep

If you watch the video below, go to :43 to view the Pocahontas creep, the sneaky way she uses to creep on people that me and my sister used to imitate all the time. We still reference it frequently.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

christmas in august.

I always wish for christmastime during august. Just before classes start, I get nostalgic for the holiday and end up watching christmas movies and listening to holiday music for about a week. 

Tonight I'm watching 


I think I will end the night with some Yule B Swingin'

Gisela and I were talking about how Christmas will be this year. My mom is going to be cross-country and I'm really sad about it. Gisela says we can attempt a popcorn garland for our tree, though, and I'm going to plan some sort of fake fireplace scene to hang on the wall. I know it will be cute and I am sure the 3 roommates will have a good holiday together. For now, I'll just enjoy my Christmas in August- I'll worry about the December one later.

Monday, August 16, 2010


tonight at work i cleaned the department for four hours (my only breaks from cleaning were: one trip to the employee lounge for a drink of water, and chatting with Javier every now and then).

In the break room I saw this:

and i was reminded of this:
remember how they had the "wall o' stuff" at the end and they had all those crazy doors and the contestant would choose one and they might get a cool prize like a water bottle or a t-shirt but then they might also get a squirt gun full of water in their face or a pie or two? well i couldn't find a picture of that, but hopefully my description in an extra long sentence helps you remember.

My work locker room isn't as much fun as a game show set, but I'd much rather go home with my Burberry handbag than a pie in the face.

summer days

I just love summer days. I took these photos today at the pool, and in the sunlight, I didn't know what they looked like until I got inside.

a day at the pool is not complete without at least two vera bradley towels.

cloudless sky and a practically empty pool = happiness.

This is the last week of summer vacation- so i'm going to enjoy it as much as i can!

chew over this!

I was away from blogging, and now I have returned. Summoned by a night nap from which I awoke, and now, the inability to sleep again, here is my new and improved blog-life.

School is just around the corner. Of course summer is my favorite time of the year, so I'm not exactly one-hundred percent excited, but I am somewhat happy school is starting again. I only have to buy 1/2 of one book, and it's my last year at Augie. I'm ready to be done and to move on to my better life. A lot of my classmates are not looking forward to no longer being students, but I am ready to start working and being a real adult. 

Since this is a big update/start over/clean slate/new post, here are some pictures from this summer. [I wish that a.) I was a good photographer and that b.) I had a polaroid camera at my fingertips]

eiffel tower, my pool-side friend
b and janie in vegas

b and janie

and here are some older pictures, because i like those kind too.

janie and gisela, freshman year in Champaign, 2007

michelle, laura, janie and maggie in Champaign, 2009

janie, maggie and b: maggie's graduation from augie, spring 2009

for now, that's all i have for you. but i am constantly updating my twitter and my facebook, so you can keep up to date with stalking me there :)